Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Power Words

How do you get your book noticed in a flood of new releases?  Promotional activities (blog tours, giveaways, interviews) that used to be effective are now turning people off. Some readers still enjoy them, but most don’t bother to read the posts. (!)

QueryTracker features author Stina Lindenblatt's advice. ( love her name ) A few Tips:

  • COVERS are important
  • Use GOODReads wisely
  • Be selective with your BLOG TOURS
  • Do short INTERVIEWS
  • Get your book professionally EDITED
Go to Stina's blog for all the details -- Stina Lindenblatt

Here are some BOOK COVERS that I like:

1 comment:

  1. I love the cover for Insignia. So does my 12 year old. When he first saw it, he knew he had to read the book. He loved it so much, he's rereading it.
