Tuesday, August 4, 2015


So, it's time for Brenda Drake's #PitchWars contest.
If you have a finished MS, are looking for a Mentor, and are ready to work, hell, yeah. PitchWars.


I've already found at least five potential Mentors that I'd love to work with.

So, polish your words and present your best. In the words of Lori Goldstein:

"Let Us Be Your Dumbledore, Your Obi-Wan, Your Coach Taylor, Your Stefan Salvatore"

In the spirit of the Bio, here are ten facts about me:

* I'm a freelance copy editor and copy writer, so I'm used to revisions. Multiple revisions. As in slap-yourself-in-the-face revisions

* I a a bona-fide lover of all things British. Even went over the pond with family to the Doctor Who exhibit in Cardiff, Wales (!)

 * Token editor/pointer outer of an ongoing international crit group

* Young Adult novels thrill my heart

* History rocks. I got to see a 3,000-year-old bog body in Ireland and was in heaven

* I'm much older than my creative guy husband. *laughs like I don't care*

* My first job out of college: an artist. Our studio was an old ballroom on top of a mountain

* Yes, I'm ridiculously short–get over it

* Love valiant MCs. Especially the non-male type

* My bookshelves are filled with fantasy YA, mystery YA, historical fiction and SciFi

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