Saturday, February 25, 2012

I've Been Tagged!

This is from 1000th.monkey: I use a Mac, not a typewriter

The Tag rules:

You must post the rules.

Answer the questions and then create eleven new questions to ask the people you’ve tagged.
Tag 11 people and link to them.
Let them know you’ve tagged them.

1000th.monkey's Questions: 

1. What's your favourite letter of the alphabet and why? (you're not limited to the English alphabet)  
'S --' I love the organic curves, and also both my maiden and first names begin with it.

2. What's the most disgusting/odd combination of food you've ever eaten? Don't like slugs. Yes, I was raised in the country with two brothers.

3. Favourite word?  Execrable!

4. If you had to get a tattoo, what would it be and why? If you already have one, use that as your answer. Only if it would actually turn into the animal it represented, like in the Sci-fi min-series "Tin Man".

5. What fictional character is most like you and why? Could be personality or appearance, from a book, movie, graphic novel, whatever. Zena Warrior Princess. Except for the height.

6. The bitchy blonde female character -> love? hate? overdone? (bonus points for including your favourite blonde joke) Are you kidding? I live in north Texas.

7. Do you usually write characters who are the same gender as you are? Ever tried the opposite? I started out with teenage girls, since I have two, but found guy dialogue matches better with my writing style.

8. If you could swap places with a character and live in their fictional world/universe for a day, which would you choose? Most any of Charles de Lint's girl protagonists, who always have magic in contemporary urban settings.

9. What's your favourite fairy-tale/myth/folk-tale/fable/nursery-rhyme, and would you ever write a re-telling of it? Guy Gavriel Kay's "Fionavar Tapestry" series. "The Summer Tree, The Wandering Fire, The Darkest Road" Maybe I'd try.

10. If you could turn your significant other into an animal for one day, what animal would you choose and why? He'd be an Ox, his sign under the Chinese zodiac. I'd get him to plow up our back yard so we could get grass to grow.

11. Does Pluto deserve to be re-instated as a planet? I think scientists should give Pluto its own category. Plini, or something cool.


  1. Hahahahaha! You DID NOT eat a slug!!! No way... really? Here I thought my older sister was bad... she'd mix together all sorts of things she found under the bathroom sink... and make me drink it. Called it medicine.

    My spelling is often execrable... so I rely heavily on the red-idiot-squiggles.

    Awww... no favourite blonde joke?

    I find writing male characters easier :) Maybe 'cause I'm more tomboyish than girly.

    I'm going to have to check out your answers for 8&9 since I'm not familiar with those...

    Ha! Good fertilizer, too, for the new lawn ;)

    And that's the best answer ever for Pluto ;)

    Thanks so much for playing!

    To turn off word verification, if you're on the Blogger home page, select the 'Settings' tab, then 'Comments' from the lower tab. If you scroll down, eventually you'll see "Show word verification for comments?" And you just turn that to "No".

  2. Hey, fun answers. Monkey thought up some good questions, eh?
